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Block Comments

Block comments can have a variety of forms. The relative positions of the begin and end markers (on separate lines or in-line with the text) are preserved. As is the indent of the text relative to them.

language: c

Begin and end markers on separate lines:

/*             ¦                          /*             ¦
One Three      ¦                   ->     One Three Two  ¦
Two Four       ¦                          Four           ¦
*/             ¦                          */             ¦

··/*      ¦                               ··/*      ¦
······a   ¦                        ->     ······a b ¦
······b c ¦                               ······c   ¦
··*/      ¦                               ··*/      ¦

/*      ¦                                 /*      ¦
····a b c                          ->     ····a b ¦
*/      ¦                                 ····c   ¦
        ¦                                 */      ¦

Begin and end markers inline with the text. Here the indent of the first line is preserved and the indent for the following lines is taken from that of the second line:

/* a   ¦      ->      /* a b ¦
b c */ ¦              c */   ¦

/* a   ¦      ->      /* a b ¦
···b c */             ···c */¦

/*··a   ¦      ->      /*··a b ¦
·b c */ ¦              ·c */   ¦

If there is only one line before wrapping, the added lines will be lined up with the begin comment marker.

··/* a b c */     ->      ··/* a b¦
        ¦                 ··c */  ¦

If the end marker is on a separate line, it remains where it is.

/* a   ¦      ->      /* a b ¦
b c    ¦              c      ¦
*/     ¦              */     ¦

/* a   ¦      ->      /* a b ¦
   b c ¦                 c   ¦
       */                    */

Unusual alignment

Like for line comments, the "base" indent is taken from the least-indented text line. However this doesn't include the first line (with the opening comment marker). This is treated separately.

··/* a   ¦      ->      ··/* a b ¦
··b      ¦                       ¦
         ¦              c */     ¦
c */     ¦


language: javascript

Having * characters in front of every line is a convention, but is not required, so in a comment that lacks them, they will remain absent.

/**                   ¦              ->      /**                   ¦
   Gets the absolute value of n                 Gets the absolute  ¦
   @param n {number}  ¦                         value of n         ¦
*/                    ¦                         @param n {number}  ¦
                      ¦                      */                    ¦

If a java/jsdoc comment only has one line before wrapping, a default prefix of * is used for created lines.

··/** Foo bar¦baz */      ->      ··/** Foo bar¦
             ¦                       * baz */  ¦