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.Net XmlDoc

.Net xml doc comments are parsed as xml/html instead of markdown, so wrapping and newlines follow the rules for html instead. This keeps tags separated on new lines.

language: "csharp"

/// <summary> What the method    ->      /// <summary> What the    ¦
/// does </summary>       ¦              /// method does </summary>¦
/// <param name="s">      ¦              /// <param name="s">      ¦
/// The s param </param>  ¦              /// The s param </param>  ¦
///                       ¦              ///                       ¦
/// <description>         ¦              /// <description>         ¦
/// Extended info.        ¦              /// Extended info. Text   ¦
/// Text text text.       ¦              /// text text.            ¦
/// </description>        ¦              /// </description>        ¦

language: "fsharp"

/// <summary> What the method    ->      /// <summary> What the    ¦
/// does </summary>       ¦              /// method does </summary>¦
/// <param name="s">      ¦              /// <param name="s">      ¦
/// The s param </param>  ¦              /// The s param </param>  ¦
///                       ¦              ///                       ¦
/// <description>         ¦              /// <description>         ¦
/// Extended info.        ¦              /// Extended info. Text   ¦
/// Text text text.       ¦              /// text text.            ¦
/// </description>        ¦              /// </description>        ¦

language: "vb"

''' <summary> What the method    ->      ''' <summary> What the    ¦
''' does </summary>       ¦              ''' method does </summary>¦
''' <param name="s">      ¦              ''' <param name="s">      ¦
''' The s param </param>  ¦              ''' The s param </param>  ¦
'''                       ¦              '''                       ¦
''' <description>         ¦              ''' <description>         ¦
''' Extended info.        ¦              ''' Extended info. Text   ¦
''' Text text text.       ¦              ''' text text.            ¦
''' </description>        ¦              ''' </description>        ¦

There is however, an extra rule. Line breaks are only preserved before/after certain "block tags". The list of these tags is: code, description, example, exception, include, inheritdoc, list, listheader, item, para, param, permission, remarks, seealso, summary, term, typeparam, typeparamref, returns, value.

All other tags, eg <c> are treated as inline tags and will always be wrapped inline with the surrounding text.

language: "csharp"

/// Text                      ¦           /// Text <c>TypeName</c> text ¦
/// <c>TypeName</c>           ¦    ->     /// text.                     ¦
/// text text.                ¦                                         ¦