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reStructuredText: Field Lists

language: reStructuredText

A field list item has the form :<fieldname>: <content>

The line break before each field list item is preserved

:Date: 2001-08-16           ¦      ->     :Date: 2001-08-16           ¦
:Version: 1                 ¦             :Version: 1                 ¦

Child content

The content of field list items is not restricted to one line. The initial paragraph can multiple lines, with two conditions: the second line must be indented further than the field name marker, and subsequent lines must have the same indent as the second line.

:item: the content may                    :item: the content ¦
  spread over multiple             ->       may spread over  ¦
  lines.           ¦                        multiple lines.  ¦

This is in contrast to bullet items and enumerated items, subsequent lines must have the same indent as that of the first.

If a single line field list item is too long, wrapped lines are given a 4 space indent relative to the field name marker.

:Field: A line that's too long     ->     :Field: A line that's ¦
                      ¦                       too long          ¦

There must be whitespace between the closing : and the content.

:this:is not a field list item            :this:is not a field ¦
                     ¦                    list item            ¦
:this: is a field list item        ->                          ¦
                     ¦                    :this: is a field    ¦
                     ¦                        list item        ¦

Field name

The field name may contain spaces, but not line breaks.

:a field name: 1             ¦     ->     :a field name: 1             ¦
:another field name: 2       ¦            :another field name: 2       ¦

The field name may contain : characters only if they are escaped with \.

Address field

In an address field, content is taken as literal content.

:Address: 999 Letsby Avenue               :Address: 999 Letsby Avenue
          Sheffield    ¦                            Sheffield    ¦
                       ¦           ->                            ¦
text                   ¦                  text text              ¦
text                   ¦                                         ¦

"Address" is case sensitive.

:address: Not a real address       ->     :address: Not a real   ¦
                       ¦                      address            ¦

Content before

A field list doesn't interrupt a paragraph

paragraph            ¦                    paragraph text :abc: ¦
text                 ¦             ->     123                  ¦
:abc: 123            ¦                                         ¦

Content after

A paragraph or any body content can come after a field list item (with a warning)

:abc: 123             ¦                   :abc: 123             ¦
paragraph             ¦            ->     paragraph text        ¦
text                  ¦                                         ¦