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Markdown: Headings

language: markdown

Setext headings

As little as one = or - is required. A paragraph can come straight after.

heading      ¦                            heading text ¦
text one     ¦                            one          ¦
=            ¦                    ->      =            ¦
some         ¦                            some para    ¦
para text    ¦                            text         ¦

heading      ¦                            heading text ¦
text two     ¦                            two          ¦
-            ¦                    ->      -            ¦
some         ¦                            some para    ¦
para text    ¦                            text         ¦

The underline can be indented up to 3 spaces.

heading      ¦                    ->      heading      ¦
···=         ¦                            ···=         ¦

Whitespace after the underline is allowed.

heading      ¦                    ->      heading      ¦
=·           ¦                            =·           ¦

Whitespace inbetween underline characters is not allowed.

heading      ¦                    ->      heading = =  ¦
= =          ¦                                         ¦

No other characters are allowed.

heading      ¦                    ->      heading =-=-=¦
=-=-=        ¦                                         ¦

heading      ¦                    ->      heading ---  ¦
--- jkl      ¦                            jkl          ¦

A setext heading underline can't some after a different block, so in this case it must be treated as normal paragraph text.

····indented code block                   ····indented code block
===          ¦                    ->      === text     ¦
text         ¦                                         ¦