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Markdown: Front Matter

language: "markdown"

Some markdown implementations support a Yaml header, also known as front matter: an extra section at the top of the file that starts and ends with lines with triple dashes (---). For example DocFX and Assemble.

Nothing is wrapped in the yaml header (this could possibly be changed to the yaml parser later).

---    ¦      ->      ---    ¦
a:     ¦              a:     ¦
b: c   ¦              b: c   ¦
foo: bar              foo: bar
---    ¦              ---    ¦
xx     ¦              xx yy  ¦
yy zz  ¦              zz     ¦

A yaml list should stay intact.

---           ¦               ---           ¦
files:        ¦               files:        ¦
    -                  -
    -       ->          -
---           ¦               ---           ¦

The yaml header must start on the first line of the document. If it doesn't then it will be interpreted differently.

Text            ¦               Text            ¦
                ¦                               ¦
---             ¦               ---             ¦
Not a yaml header.      ->      Not a yaml      ¦
Actually a      ¦               header. Actually
setext heading                  a setext heading
---             ¦               ---             ¦


The start marker must not be indented.

·---               ¦                      ·---               ¦
Not a front matter section        ->      Not a front matter ¦
                   ¦                      section            ¦

It may have whitespace after the ---, but no other characters are allowed

---·               ¦                      ---·               ¦
A front matter section                    A front matter section
---                ¦              ->      ---                ¦
Normal             ¦                      Normal paragraph   ¦
paragraph          ¦                                         ¦

----               ¦                      ----               ¦
Not a front matter section        ->      Not a front matter ¦
                   ¦                      section            ¦

--- abc            ¦              ->      --- abc Not a front¦
Not a front matter section                matter section     ¦

The end marker must not be indented.

---                ¦                      ---                ¦
A front matter section                    A front matter section
·---               ¦              ->      ·---               ¦
Still in the front matter                 Still in the front matter

However unlike the start marker, as long as it starts with ---, any characters may follow on the line.

---                ¦                      ---                ¦
A front matter section                    A front matter section
----               ¦              ->      ----               ¦
Normal             ¦                      Normal paragraph   ¦
paragraph          ¦                                         ¦

---                ¦                      ---                ¦
A front matter section                    A front matter section
---abc             ¦              ->      ---abc             ¦
Normal             ¦                      Normal paragraph   ¦
paragraph          ¦                                         ¦