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Markdown (mostly based on the CommonMark spec) is used for the contents of code comments (in most languages), as well as normal Markdown files.

language: "markdown"



Long lines are split at whitespace and wrapped.

A long line.      ->      A long  ¦
        ¦                 line.   ¦

Short lines are concatenated and then wrapped as appropriate.

Three.        ¦      ->      Three. Short. ¦
Short.        ¦              Lines.        ¦
Lines.        ¦

Normal paragraphs are separated by spaces.

Paragraph one.      ->      Paragraph  ¦
           ¦                one.       ¦
Para       ¦                           ¦
two.       ¦                Para two.  ¦

A line break can be forced within a paragraph by ending a line with a single \ or two spaces.

A                ¦      ->      A break\         ¦
break\           ¦              Another line     ¦
Another line break··            break··          ¦
More text        ¦              More text        ¦

Line breaks are also preserved after a line that ends in <br> or <br/>

HTML           ¦              HTML line      ¦
line break<br> ¦      ->      break<br>      ¦
HTML           ¦              HTML line      ¦
line break<br/>¦              break<br/>     ¦
Text           ¦              Text           ¦

Thematic breaks


A thematic break (<hr/> in HTML) is made from at least 3 of the characters ***, --- or ___.

***               ¦                       ***               ¦
---               ¦               ->      ---               ¦
___               ¦                       ___               ¦

ATX headings

The text must be on a single line, so these are not wrapped.

# Heading style 1      ¦          ->      # Heading style 1      ¦
### With trailing #'s ###                 ### With trailing #'s ###

Setext headings


However setext headings (with underlines) can be wrapped. But the underline remains unchanged (this is maybe something that could be added in the future).

Heading with underline      ->      Heading with         ¦
---------------------¦              underline            ¦
With double          ¦              ---------------------¦
underline            ¦              With double underline¦
==================   ¦              ==================   ¦

Bullet lists


They can immediately follow a paragraph.

List items:    ¦              ->      List items:    ¦
- With dash    ¦                      - With dash    ¦
* With star    ¦                      * With star    ¦
+ With plus text wrapped              + With plus    ¦
               ¦                        text wrapped ¦

Numbered lists

1) Item 1                 ¦      ->      1) Item 1                 ¦
2. Item 2                 ¦              2. Item 2                 ¦
999999999) Item 999999999 ¦              999999999) Item 999999999 ¦

Block quotes


> one two three      ->      > one two   ¦
four        ¦                three four  ¦

> one two three      ->      > one two   ¦
> four      ¦                > three four¦

Indented code blocks


····a = 1;   ¦      ->      ····a = 1;   ¦
····b = 2;   ¦              ····b = 2;   ¦
text text text              text text    ¦
             ¦              text         ¦

Fenced code blocks


Can come directly after a paragraph.

Some       ¦          ->      Some text  ¦
text       ¦                  ``` c      ¦
``` c      ¦                  a = 1;     ¦
a = 1;     ¦                  b = 2;     ¦
b = 2;     ¦                  ```        ¦
```        ¦                  ··~~~ javascript
··~~~ javascript              a = 1;     ¦
a = 1;     ¦                  b = 2;     ¦
b = 2;     ¦                  ·~~~       ¦
·~~~       ¦                             ¦



Tables are not in commonmark, and the minimum that represents a table varies greatly between markdown flavors. Therefore Rewrap has quite a permissive specification: a table consists of at least two lines containing a |, where at least one is a "separator" line (--- | --- | ...).

still     | just           ¦      ->      still     | just paragraph ¦
paragraph | text           ¦              | text                     ¦

---- | ---                 ¦      ->      ---- | ---                 ¦
this | is                  ¦              this | is                  ¦
a    | table               ¦              a    | table               ¦
